Our company was founded in response to the ongoing cyberattacks and psyop campaigns launched by Russia and its puppy-state, Belarus, against free nations. We are not affiliated with any states, intelligence agencies, military groups, or hacktivists. We are a team of experts in programming, architecture, infrastructure, and processes. It pains us to witness how groups affiliated with Russia and Belarus conduct destructive cyberattacks, commit cybercrime, and carry out psyop campaigns with impunity.

Russia’s actions, which violate international law and basic human decency, make Russia — including its cyber domain — a legitimate target for hackers and security researchers around the world. We cannot stand by and do nothing.

Our first “product” — although it’s not truly a product, but rather an almost exact copy of the abuse.ch ThreatFox database — is focused on collecting and tracking C2 servers and malware distribution servers located in Russia and Belarus.

If you feel up to it, choose your target at intel.nuffsec.com.

We will continue to monitor and investigate these and any new servers, as well as the BelRussian cyber domain, with the aim of exposing the criminal groups behind them. We provide this information openly for all interested parties to track and document the threat infrastructure originating from groups based in these countries. We endorse and support any actions directed at these addresses. Investigate, document, destroy.

P.S.: It is clear to us that Russia and Belarus is naturally in Ukraine’s sphere of influence. Russia should cede the territory and stop fighting to avoid even more civilian casualties, and satisfy Ukraine’s interests.